Eleanor Stones

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Easy Website Tweaks to Win Clients

Here’s a juicy one for you. Simple changes to make on your website that will lead to more clients aka. earning money for doing what you love. Sounds good to me!

These changes might only take a few minutes to revise and implement on your own site but, trust me, sometimes the smallest tweaks can make a BIG difference.

So, open up Squarespace or your website platform and let’s make some client-winning changes together.


You email list could just be your best asset. With a few special ingredients we can make something special: a client converting machine! By showing up with valuable and relevant content for you audience, they’ll get to know, like and trust you. And what happens when they know, like and trust you? They want to buy from you!

But there’s no point in blasting emails out if we don’t have an audience which begs the questions…how do we build one?

Start by creating something high value for you audience. For example, I automatically send out a PDF Squarespace Website Starter Workbook. In return for giving away this freebie, we ask for our audience’s email address. The next step is to follow them up, time after time showing off knowledge and expertise to build that all-important know, like and trust.

This is the perfect solution for groups of our audience who are not quite ready to invest yet. We can provide them with real value and content and keep ourselves fresh in their mind for when they are ready to be served.

Action: make sure your sign up form is clearly available on your website to promote your freebie.


Second on the list is giving a look at our images. A picture does speak a thousand words, after all.

The first images to update are swap out boring stock photos for images of people. This could be hands at work, people enjoying your product or images to illustrate life after your services. Images of people work brilliantly as a general rule of thumb for all businesses. They allow people to imagine themselves and their lives with the product or service.

And the second image to make sure you have on your home page is one of yourself. Adding images of you builds trust further, people buy from people at the end of the day.

Imagine two people. Their experience is the same, their portfolios are similar and their services are priced the same. But, one of them includes a picture of their face smiling at the camera. You’re going to go with the one you see, aren’t you?

Action: give your images an update.


One of the biggest pitfalls I see new businesses make on their websites? Clarity.

It’s important that on each page you are clear in what you want your audience to do. Without it, you’re losing your audience from the get-go. I don’t want that for you!

So, take a look at your current site and pop on the hat of a new site visitor. Is it really clear what you do? Do your audience know where to head next on each page? Sometimes this will actually mean removing big chunks of text or simply adding in a ‘click-me’ button.

It’s also super important to state exactly what you do in a concise way ‘above the fold’. This means that space on your website that you can see before you start scrolling.

Action: Add who you are and what you do at the top of your home page.


You want your audience to (here it is again) know, like and trust you. One amazing way of doing this is to add in testimonials across your site. They show that other people have been interested in your services or products and loved them. Your audience will want a slice of the cake too!

Testimonials are so important, I wrote a whole entire blog post on them here.

Action: add testimonials across you site.


If you’re offering a lot of different services, things can get pretty confusing pretty quickly. You see, when we bundle everything into one page, we naturally keep things short and…not so sweet.

Here’s a solution: create a sales page dedicated to each service/product.

So, for each service, expand and develop your offering. Really talk to your potential customer. Walk them through squashing their fears to buy and demonstrate the real impact the service will have on their lives.

Want a bit of inspiration? Head to my web package, power hour and digital marketing pages for some inspiration on how I develop my offerings tailored to each service.

Action: create dedicated sales pages for each service or product.


An important part of selling is to ask for it. Yes, the last change really is that simple!

We often hear from marketing ‘gurus’ that the secret to sales is all about developing a relationship - to the point that we’re guilty of never asking for the sale.

So, the final change to make is to go through your site and sell your services.

Action: sell your brilliant services!

These 6 simple changes will take just a couple of hours to implement. Their impact on your conversion rate will be HUGE.

So go on, get stuck in. You wont regret it. What are you going to up-level first?

See this content in the original post