Everything to Think About Before Hiring a Website Designer


Thinking about hiring a website designer?

First up, I’m SO excited for the journey you’re about to embark on! EEEK!

It might have looked like this:

You’ve got a fabulous small business ✅ a dream that you’ve poured your heart into ✅ but your online presence feels more like a damp squib than a beautiful digital space you can be proud to call your own ❌

Maybe you’ve tried tweaking things yourself—changing fonts, swapping out photos, even adding some jazzy animations. But instead of feeling joy when you look at your website, you find yourself grimacing at the screen.

Sound familiar?

But let me tell you, hiring the right website designer can transform not just your site, but your whole approach to your business. It’s like finding the perfect partner-in-crime who just gets you and knows how to bring your vision to life.

So, before you dive headfirst into your project with a website designer like me 🙋‍♀️, there are a few key things you’ll want to think about. Trust me, a little prep work now could help you get the most out of your investment. Ready to get started? Let's go!


1. Know Your Ideal Customer

Knowing your ideal customer isn't just about knowing their age, location, and job title—it's like getting to understand your best friend inside out. You know those relationships where you finish each others sandwiches sentences? We're aiming for that kind of synergy.

You need to get deep into their dreams and quirks, their late-night Pinterest scrolling habits, and even their favourite type of coffee. Because when we understand what makes them tick, we can design a website that speaks their language and understands their problems.

Connection = conversions!

Imagine this: Your dream client lands on your website. They're greeted with design that resonates with their soul, copy that feels like a warm hug, and navigation so intuitive it’s like a dance they already know the steps to. That's the magic of knowing them inside and out—it’s not just about aesthetics, it’s about creating an experience that clicks with them on a soul level.

Creating a site for yoga lovers versus tech enthusiasts is totally different aesthetics, right? By knowing your client inside and out, your designer can craft a site that not only looks stunning but also feels like home for your dream customers.


2. Define Your Desired Vision

Ever walked into a shop and instantly felt “yeah, this is a bit of me.” - you pass your partner your coat and point them to a vacant armchair; you're going to be hanging around for a while.

That's the magic of a well-connected aesthetic. ✨

When planning your website, capturing this feeling and delivering this to your ideal client and customer is crucial.

When it comes to my own Squarespace Website Design projects, Pinterest is my secret weapon here. Start pinning images, colours, fonts, and layouts that speak to you. When trying this out for yourself, it’s a good idea to keep in mind that ideal customer but don't worry if you're pinning willy-nilly, know that a good website designer is there to marry them to your vision.

Your designer will love you for it! A clear Pinterest board lets them step inside your head and see exactly what you’re dreaming of. This makes turning your vision into a beautiful, functional website so much smoother.


3. Be Clear on Your Business Goals

Imagine planning a road trip to the Scottish Islands but you don’t have the postcode of where you were heading that you could plug into a sat nav.

You’ve got a pretty chaotic few days ahead of yourself, haven’t you?

Instead I’d recommend taking a look at my wonderful client’s blog Shetland with Laurie and getting that whole trip and destination planned down to a T.

Having a destination in mind is so important when it comes to making the most of your website, whether DIYing or teaming up with a website designer. Once you define what you want your business to be in 1, 2, and 5 years, everything clicks into place for a website designer. It’s going to be your north star during the process of creating a space that can be a powerful tool as you continue to grow your business.

So, dream big, plan smart, and watch your website become your best business partner!


4. Detail Your Core Offerings

Let’s dive into the heart of your business: your core offerings. These are what make your business tick, and having them clearly defined is going to be essential for a powerful website.

During my Custom Squarespace Website Design process, we hop on a Sitemap Strategy call. Here, we map out the best journey through your site for your ideal client, guiding them by the hand and answering their questions before they even ask. This way we can be one step ahead of them at each turn, allowing us to nurture new visitors into loyal customers in a few clicks.

I once worked with a client who shifted from yoga classes to focusing on wellness retreats and coaching. The previous site didn’t align with the new services so we set about redesigning her site to highlight these new offerings. She describes this as a real game changer for her in the whole process of shifting services.

For your designer, knowing your core offerings is like handing over the key ingredient to the recipe. It helps them create a website that not only looks beautiful but also drives conversions by showcasing what you do best.


5. Set a Realistic Budget and Timeline

Let's cut to the nitty gritty for this last tip. It’s time to talk money and time—two things every business owner juggles.

Setting a realistic budget and timeline is going to be crucial for a successful website project.

Not only does setting a realistic budget help you find your dream designer who will bring your vision to life, it’s also going to allow them to recommend the best solutions to maximise your project.

A clear timeline ensures everyone stays on track, avoiding last-minute rushes.

So, be upfront about your finances and deadlines. It’s the best way to ensure you get a stunning, functional site that meets your needs!


6. Consider Your Website Content

I’m talking copy (website text) and images here aka the foundation of your site build. While you don’t need everything ready from the start, having a plan for your copy and images will set you up for success.

Thinking about your text, if writing isn’t your strong suit, no worries! I provide feedback and prompts for all my website design projects. But, if you feel stuck, hiring a copywriter can make a world of difference.

Whether you take your own, use stock photos, or hire a photographer, having high-quality visuals is key. If you’re going the photographer route, planning ahead is key recommendation!


Now, if you're sitting there with your drink in hand thinking “hang on, I'm looking in pretty good shape for a new website here” then head to my services page and let's chat about bringing those website dreams to life 🥰