40 Digital Product Ideas for Your Small Business

40 Digital Product Ideas for Your Small Business | Eleanor Stones

Passive income. It’s the talk of the town at the moment. And with good reason. Passive income has the power to bring in money whilst you:

  • Are fast asleep in bed

  • Are away on holiday, sipping on sangria

  • Are 4 episodes deep into the latest Netflix binge

  • Or are spending some quality time with your nearest and dearest

I’ve been able to make money whilst doing all of the above. It’s transformed by business and offered a whole new avenue for income to compliment my 1:1 services. I’m sharing this list of 40 digital product ideas with you today because I want you to experience the same joy that I have.

I’ve not even shared the best bit with you: all of these can be delivered digitally to your customers. That mean’s you don’t have to sit in a warehouse fulfilling each one that comes in. No, no. You can order in that next sangria knowing it’s just been paid for!

So, here’s 40 digital product ideas for your small business. Let’s spark your imagination…



  1. Online Course

  2. Subscription Library

  3. Mini Course or Email Course

  4. Online Challenge

  5. Workbooks

  6. Checklists

  7. Guides

  8. eBooks

  9. Video Turtorials

  10. Live Workshops

  11. Facebook or Slack Communities

  12. Cheatsheets



  1. Spreadsheet Templates

  2. Logo Templates (premade)

  3. Social Media Graphic Templates

  4. Branding Collateral Templates (Notecards, Business Cards etc.)

  5. Copywriting Templates

  6. Email Script Templates

  7. Website Templates

  8. CV/Resume Templates

  9. Sewing Patterns

  10. Papercraft Patterns



  1. Music Pieces

  2. Audio Clips

  3. Video Graphics

  4. Blog Graphics

  5. Illustrations

  6. Patterns/Textures

  7. Fonts

  8. Stock Photography

  9. Presets

  10. Mock Ups



  1. Phone Backgrounds

  2. Printable Diaries/Journals

  3. Printable Posters/Wall Arts

  4. Printable Calendars

  5. Printable Greeting Cards

  6. Printable Gift Wrap/Tags

  7. Printable Wedding Stationery/Decor

  8. Printable Party Stationery/Decor

  9. Printable Colouring Pages


I hope you’ve found this useful and it’s sparked your imagination! Let mw know which you pick in the comments below, I’d love to cheer you on!